Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing
Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing
Paperback – March 9, 2010
by Laila del Monte
Purchase on U.S. Amazon $14.79 Paperback $9.49 Kindle
Purchase on U.K. Amazon £13.99 Paperback £13.29 Kindle
“Perhaps the most compelling sections of the book are those where del Monte illustrates why animals come into our lives. . . . Their main reason for entering our lives, according to del Monte, is to allow us to experience love. Animals are highly qualified specialists in demonstrating unconditional love. This book gives numerous examples of the human beings who never experienced true love until they became attached to their pet.”
~ Catherine Ferguson, review, New Age Retailer, April 2010
“I encourage anyone that has a pet of any kind to consider reading Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing by Laila del Monte to get a better understanding of the healers we have in our midst. Using our own intuition and guidance we can communicate with our counterparts in healing ourselves, them, and our planet.”
~ Irene Watson, Reader Views, August 2010
“Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing” is a combination of memoir and spirituality book as she states that there is much to learn from animals that can lead to improved health in humans as well as improved health in animals. Intuition is a powerful tool Laila Del Monte argues, and she provides much in the way of spiritual inspiration. “Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing” is a choice pick for spiritual readers who want to understand another aspect of healing.
~ James A. Cox, The Midwest Book Review, May 2010