HAPPY: Pancreatitis, mass on pancreas
I want to stop the long distance healing for Happy as he is doing much better: he has regained his beautiful energy.
First of all, he recovered from his operation when the veterinarians did not believe it was possible! He started eating again little by little and his weight stabilized. The mass decreased. He now eats with appetite! The fact of exchanging regularly allowed me to “get my worries out”, to remain objective about what he was going through, to accompany him in ways other than emotion. Thanks to Laila and her team for their help, support and accompaniment. Thank you Laila for your availability, your kindness!! Thank you for sharing your donation!
Best regards!
KIKI: Leg amputation, post-operative help
Kiki is fine, the hairs have not yet fully regrown but he has resumed his life… He is fine, I will remain confident for his future…
Thank you for everything, Have a good end of the year!
BEBERTE: Thyroid, osteoarthritis and kidneys
Béberte is much better as car as the arthritis / thyroid, the improvements are very clear and I thank Laila very much. The past week has been good. Following the veterinary exam, I lowered the amount of thyroid medication and for now everything is going well. I give him fish oil regularly.
Also the full examination showed that creatinine increased a little more, but less than before – going from 22 to 27, just above the high limit at 24. There is no proteinuria and my veterinarian thinks that it is not necessary to give medication. Besides, Béberte eats well and his weight is stable.
Thank you very much,
MITOU: Diabetes
Hello Laila and the whole team,
Mitou still has ups and downs, but is generally well stabilized. So I’m going to take a break. I remain deeply convinced that Laila’s healing is very positive, I believe not only in Laila’s gift, but in her love for animals and I am sure that this transcended love contributes to the healing or relief of the animal.
I thank the whole team for your availability, your kindness and your empathy.
I wish you a very happy end of year celebrations and send you all my gratitude.
PIRATE: Cancer of the ear. Intervention of Laila post operation
I think he is doing very well. Now that he is neutered he never leaves the site and waits for us each time we visit. He no longer wanders for miles and he discovered the comfort of our huts with cushions and fleeces, better insulated this year. I findhim magnificent, of an immaculate white whereas at the time of his “reproductive” activities, he was always very dirty and not white at all. Always ran away from humans. He does not let himself be touched but he mews very softly to call me when I arrive.
The veterinarian examined him on November 19 th and found the ear to be very good. He cleaned it because it was not very clean, but now that the hair has grown back well, it will be better protected from dust and bad weather. The scar in the cartilage is very white and clear. No signs of any problems whatsoever, which was my fear. In any case he looks happy and this small group of cats is very harmonious. He found his place there well after he had moved away from it for years.
MOCHA: Urinary tract infection
Mocha has been doing very well, no more symptoms, so I’m thinking of stopping the remote healing for the moment. If there is a problem, I will come back to Laila if possible.
Thank you very much again,
LUCKY: Kidney failure
Dear team,
Thank you for your email. It looks like while I was away, Lucky got better, he’s eating now (although very fussy about the food) and put on at least 1 kg. He’s doing so well that I didn t go to the vet yet as everytime he comes back more stressed so for the time being, will monitor him at home. I think maybe we can stop the healing now and maybe see how it goes? What Thank you for taking such a good care these couple of months. Will definetely leave my feedback on your web site.
Kind regards,
HOPI: Chronic constipation Due to growths in the intestine
Hopi is much better, his transit is working well again, he can now walk and has found his habits of walking in the garden, he even is climbing even the low walls! He has a very good appetite. A heartfelt thank you Laila. My mom and I are so grateful for your work! It’s pure happiness to see Hopi so well!
With a lot of joy,
Kittens are better. I think we can now stop the healing for them.
Thank you!
MINA: Acute renal failure and pancreas inflammation
I want to stop Mina’s healing on September 28th. Indeed she is much better! Besides, here are the results of the urine analysis : the analysis reveals that she is not in renal insufficiency. She has a predisposition to this and the pancreas has been inflamed since her pancreatitis. Apart from that everything is fine now! What a relief!!
Mina is very lucky to have benefited from Laila’s healing. It’s an honor for me to see Mina’s photo on the site.
Thanks again,
RENATO: Lipidosis, infection and abdominal fluid
Renato is well, he just needs to eat a little more to reach his ideal weight. Thank you very much for your healing!!
ONYX: Eye infection
Hello Laila, I’m coming to give you news of Onyx, the little feral cat you are now healing I had not seen her for several years.
She came back to eat 2 days ago. I noticed that on the inner side of her left eye, there was a small whitish flow as when her eye was infected but the eye was clean and well opened Yesterday, she came back very late. Through the window of the door, I saw that there was no sagging at the inner corner of her left eye. The eye was open and clean. I saw her again, her left eye is clean no infection.
I thank Laila again for her healing for Onyx. I also thank the whole team for their concern.
Wishing you a beautiful day, Regards,
CALI AND OYA: blind at birth
I have the impression that Cali and Oya can now detect movement, especially from a distance. They may not have fully recovered but they are more comfortable with their surroundings. They continue to bump their noses from time to time against obstacles but jump, and descend, with much greater ease than before. I have seen over the months with Laila a clear improvement in their behavior, their ways of moving and the veil of their eyes has been much dissipated. Laila’s distant healing has allowed me personally to become aware over the months that blind cats are able to adapt to everything, very quickly, even a home that is not at all suitable for them. You just have to believe it, send them positive thoughts, encourage them and give them a lot of love.
MOCHA: Urinary tract infection
Mocha is doing very well since then, no more symptoms, so I’m thinking of stopping remote healing for now. In case of problems I will call Laila again if it is possible.
Thank you very much again,
MINETTE: Vomiting, does not eat, prostrated
Good evening,
The state of Minette has improved more. She has regained her balance and is once again spending time on our knees to receive hugs. She is eating again without problems. Everything seems to be back in order, thank you very much Laila, to you and your team for what you did.
Best regards,
ROSALIE: Vomiting every day, swollen stomach. Cause unknown
Rosalie is doing much better, although we have not found the cause of the morning vomiting. She will begin a plant treatment of the Chinese pharmacopoeia next Monday, on the advice of a veterinarian.
Best regards,
CHAGALL: Sneezing, blocked nose and bloody discharges
Chagall is better. He sneezes a little but we feel that he is much healthier. There has not been any more discharges in the last days.
The veterinarian has now adapted and homeopathic treatment and seems pretty sure of it. In any case I would like to thank Laila for her support and healing especially when Chagall was very ill. It also helped me to stay positive.
MIA: Kitten 11 months – Problems with 2 ears and osteoarthritis of femurs
THANK YOU for your mail. Time goes so quickly! So, I decided to “stop” the healing of Mia because she is better. Since she wears her collar, she does not claw at her ears anymore so she heals finally! Regarding her hind legs, the wounds are still there but are not bleeding anymore. I thank you wholeheartedly for your healing.
NINJA: Kidney failure and liver problems
Hello, Ninja is fine,
The liver transaminases are well down almost normal. It is 140 lw standard and it is 180. Control kidneys and liver in 6 months. Good news. Yes of course (for the testimony) I had already done for my previous cat. Yes it gives hope! Fortunately Laila is here.
Have a beautiful day!
SWEETIE: Hypercalcemia and renal failure
Hello to Laila and all the team,
Today is the last day of care for Sweetie. She is much better. We are very happy to see it like this. We will not extend the care because Sweetie is fine.
Many thanks to Laila and everyone,
CHANEL: Labial ulcers
Since your healing, Chanel had recovered an incredible life force (and for that reason I am infinitely grateful), she has had no more labial ulcers in the recent months, and therefore no more treatment with corticosteroids, she had started being naughty again such as tearing the tapestry in the bathroom or rummaging in my purse!!
KarineMOTHER CAT: Has no milk!
The work you do is working. Kittens suckle their mother and do not want a pipette now.
Thank you,
SQUEAKY: Dilated Cardiomyopathy
My dear 13 year-old cat Squeaky has improved tremendously thanks to Laila’s help, and I recommend her wholeheartedly. Over the last few months, Squeaky’s energy levels have returned to normal after a rough patch, following immediate treatment for congestive heart failure. He is alert and happy and is slowly gaining weight back, and he has become much better about taking his medications. He also seems calm and relaxed about things that used to give him anxiety, and his overall state of mind appears to be very at ease. I would definitely ask Laila to help him or any of my four-legged family again in a heartbeat
Thank you so much!
VLADIMIR: Chronic gastritis + urea crystals in urine
Hello Laila.
We will stop Vladimir’s healing after May 3rd. He is much better even if he is still sick from time to time. At the moment it is mainly because of the hairs and once or twice a week the ball of fur or its food but nothing like before! I’ll give you news before the treatment is stopped. Thank you!
Have a good day,
MIMI: Recurrent gingivitis without antibiotic effect, Euthanasia is considered
I contacted Laila following a very negative diagnosis from the vet who gave Mimi no chance and wanted to euthanize her. She was an abandoned cat that I rescued and she had repeated gingivitis that the antibiotic treatments did not eradicate. There was one solution which was to remove the teeth causing the infection but the vet seemed to not even want to try saying that it was absolutely not guaranteed. Mimi had a lot of trouble eating, her condition was critical, I did not know what to do. So I looked at her in the eyes and I told her “Mimi you have to show me if you want to live, I do not know what to do”.
She stared at me with a vivacious look that I had not seen for a long time and she went back to eating. That’s when I contacted Laïla. Mimi has meanwhile poisoned, she was vomiting blood and had liquid and bloody stools, I told myself this time it’s the end, I was preparing myself to say goodbye to her, I had even contacted Laïla urgently so that she could accompany her in her departure to the other side.
I changed veterinarians, and this time incredible! The tests showed that all her vital organs were healthy and that the infection was concentrated in the gums. It gave me a lot of hope! it was perfectly possible to keep Mimi but an operation would be needed.
This diagnosis was completely opposed to the one of the first veterinarian. So I came back home with Mimi who received a treatment for her intoxication, I informed Laïla who worked on the gums and the intoxication. A few days later Mimi was much better, I saw her regain strength, vigor, I saw her playing again, sprinting in the house, her eyes were so bright… I did not recognize her anymore.
I might have to remove the teeth of Mimi eventually that caused her infections but Mimi is alive and I am infinitely grateful for the healing she received from Laïla who I have no doubt saved her life! When I was talking to Mimi in the presence of my 3-year-old boy to tell him that a lady was giving him some healing to help her heal, he listened attentively and still today in his games, he calls the lady who helped Mimi…
SARAZIN: Arthritis that blocks his back, he can not move
Some news of Sarrasin. He’s much better and looks good. Thank you for your healing help and support. My little boy is better. He walks 100 times better! Many thanks for your help.
Yours truly,
FELINE: Urine and defecation in the house
Feline is full of energy and no more incidents in the house. Laila made Feline a happy little cat full of life while she was lost and nostalgic for her past. All my gratitude and trust in Laila.
PEANUT: Allergies
I wanted to update you on Peanut. He’s doing so much better! Thank you! His stuffy nose is minimal one side is clear and the other has some discharge but much less. I’ve continued to give him homeopathic remedy for allergies. I am giving him goat milk with a mushroom blend that is for cats to help with his immune system and to the goat milk I’m adding probiotics. I did take him for a chiropractor adjustment and a little massage which I continue to do for him on a daily basis. I am still nebulizing him with collodial silver mixture. Thank you for all your help! He is doing much better! You working on him gave me time to regroup.
Thank you!
RÉGLISSE: Chronic renal failure
A little over a year ago, réglisse had a urea flare up triggered by a urinary tract infection that was added to chronic renal failure. She was put on a drip and everything went back to normal. But 2 weeks later,her urea and creatinine were again very high. She was re-infused while knowing that this was the last attempt and that there was no other solution left.
15 days later, astme urea was already very much up, the vet made me understand that at this rate, Réglisse had only 15 days left to live. And since Réglisse was very thin and did not eat much anymore, I was afraid she would not even finish the week.
As soon as I contacted Laila, she took care of her very quickly. Réglisse started to eat a little more each day, and after a week she started to gain weight and the urea rate dropped.
Laila followed her for a year during which she had ups and downs. Now Réglisse is fine and she is 18 years old! Her urea and creatinine levels are stabilized. She eats well and asks again for being stroked, which she had stopped doing for several months.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all this time devoted to my little angel,
SophieGIGI: Sebaceous cyst (on the skin) and fue loss
I managed to see him today and he seems to be much better! It’s great the fur has grown back there is still a wound but much lighter… I’m sending you the picture so you can see.a huge thank you to Laila for the healing I am very happy to see that Gigi is better.
Thanks a lot to Laila for the care and listening. I know that Laila is very popular and despite everything she was very present as soon as Gigi has the need. Thank you very much. Today he is much better I think thanks to the distance healing. You can without any problem share the story of Gigi it is important to see the evolution and positive result of the healing. I wish you a very good weekend,
KOVU: Bilateral necrosis of the femoral head, dysautonomia, possible euthanasia
This message to thank you for your unwavering support and healing regarding Kovu. You have been great. Thanks.
we are so grateful for everything you have done for Kovu. We wish you the best for the future and embrace you very hard.
Many thanks,
MOONLIGHT: Bone infection and decalcification
My cat has received healing for 4 months and had recalcified her right ulnau. Her recovery is still ongoing and I am confident for the future. I thank you very much for your healing during this period and for the fact that she has recovered her health.
Cordial greetings,
OREA: After a high fever due to an infection (post opération) she refuses to eat
I just spoke with the vet this morning: She told me she was very happy because Orea had eaten all her chicken and had even eaten a little pie.
I do not know what to say except THANK YOU,
SAFRAN: Pancreatitis
I wanted to tell you that we can stop the healing for Safran’s at the end of the month. It’s been 3 months since he has r3ceivef the hesling and it has done him a lot of good! When I think I almost lost him… I thank Laila wholeheartedly for her help and love! Initially, the hesling was to help him get out of his urinary tract infection, but since he has AIDS, I wanted him to have a stronger immunity. So after 3 months, I think it’s time to let Laila have more time to look after other animals that are in need.
Thank you very much, Laila! I was more at peace in these recent months knowing that Safran was under divine protection, or I do not know how to define it. I hope he will continue to be well. Thank you very much, Laila, for helping him and getting him back on his feet. Thank you for everything!
COQUINETTE: Recurrent idopathic cystitis with blood clots
We can stop the healing , coquinette seems to be very much in shape lately, the healing has really done et a lot of good, it’s undeniable!
Another 1000 thanks to Laila for her work.
NAGWAL: Concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle severe obstructive cardiomyopathy (diseases of the kidneys, heart and digestive system)
Today Nagwal is fine , she eats and her nose is cool. You will find attached the blood test of Nagwal that was done this morning, the vet said that it is good and she can live like that. The left atrium of the heart is too big but there is no more pleural effusion.
This morning she is with me at the office, I also join two photos!
TOBY: Chronic renal failure and anemia
I want to stop the distance healing for TOBY because he is better: Even if he still has not gained weight, his appetite is constant, his behavior too: he is alert, he hunts, he cuddles, he asks for food. Again and always congratulations and thank you, Laila!
Thank you for everything and have a good Spring!
BEBERTE: Calcivirus
I do not know what Laila thinks, but on my side I think we can stop the remote healing: thanks to the work of Laila, Béberte is in fact now very well, his appetite has been very regular over the past few weeks, his behavior seems normal to me, his stool is OK. The healing has had a very beneficial effect!
Best wishes,
DIVINE: Acute pancreatitis
I gladly accept that you use Divine’s photo to testify to the immeasurable help (no, the word is not too strong) that you brought to our darling Divine. She was close to death, very far away from us, and you supported her relentlessly until she found the strength to live again and to eat. I never thought I would ever see her eat again, or hear her special meow again, when she asks for attention or asks for her meal. And yet today she is here, beautiful, graceful, a little fragile perhaps but alive and happy! We are so grateful to you, Charlene and I because you have always been there, available in the urgency despite all the work you have, it is priceless!
Dear Laila, I’ll closethis long series of emails about Divine, with all my gratitude and admiration for what you have done.
Have a good evening.
Catherine and Charlène FerragnePEGGY: Paralytic ileus of thé Smallwood intestine, liver inflammation and kidney stones
I see clearly that Peggy is no the same as she was before entering the clinic. It is great on a physical and emotional level. Besides, Peggy uses to be very scared, but the other day a friend came home and she did not stay in hiding until the visitors left as she usted to , she was in her basket sleeping peacefully. The stress had disappeared! Her digestive system works well now and her appetite has allowed her to adapt to the food prescribed by the veterinary without any problem.
Peggy’s case was quite serious when I contacted Laila and she attended me urgently, that same afternoon I noticed that the condition of my cat improved, enough at least to avoid returning to the clinic the next day. She had intestinal paralysis, but after Laila’s healing sounds began to be heard in her intestines. And then little by little it improved until full recovery! Of course we followed the veterinary indications but without Laila’s help I know that the recovery at this level would not have been possible.
A big hug,
Mª PilarGABRIO: Duodenum ulcers and anemia
Hello dear Laila,
I would like to stop the distance healing: Gabrio is doing very well. He has not vomited in a few weeks. He eats, plays, cuddles as before his illness. A huge thank you for all these last months where you accompanied him. It is time to leave the place to another animal in need.
Have a good day!
IsabelleZAG: Hyper thyroïd
Thank you for the healing of Zag he is well now. He just has some nausea caused by the meds but he’s back in shape! Also I wanted to let you know that Gigi the other cat that you are helping is much better. His fur is growing back and the sebaceous glands are much smaller.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for the healing you do for them,
SimonaMOUSS: Hyperesthesia
I called Laïla as my 10 year old cat Mouss was having very strange reactions that worried me. He had shivers along his back and jumping out of his skin as if something were biting him. Laila reassured me gave me advice and started the healings.
Her work has been very beneficial as Mouss got better and better and now he is fine!
Thank you so much and big hugs to you Laila and your team who has always listened to me,