BRANDTNER: Heart issue

Following a visit to a veterinary clinic where they gave me no hope for my dog, I decided to contact Laila to give it a try
Laila agreed to do healings , and at the same time in the days that followed I chose to change vet clinics. While waiting for the day of the appointment with a specialist the situation had deteriorated, I am convinced that without Laila he would not have survived because one evening I was really scared for his life and I contacted Laila in emergency. He held on, and during exams at the new clinic they found he had a heart problem that could have been fatal.
They did what was necessary to save him. He’s back to what he was before this problem! Now we will have to monitor him regularly. But anyway, without this combined action of Laila and skilled vets he would not have survived. Especially that horrible night when I feared the worst… thank you Laila. We have saved time, each day will now be fully appreciated. This second chance is a gift. Thanks to Laila for her empathy and invaluable help.
I am extremely grateful to her for that,


YUMA: Borreliosis

Yuma is healed , many thanks. He is eating, is no longer listless and has gained weight. He had borreliosis.


LOPY: Epilepsy

Hello Laila,
I want to stop the energy healing treatments for Lopy, he is better and the attacks have lessened. I will also follow the advice you gave me during our phone conversation. Many thanks for your help and for all you do for the animals. I admire you a lot. I wish you lots of happiness.


MARGOT: Heart failure

The main goal of Margot’s healing sessions was for her to have a good trip (due to the high risk of heart failure)
it has gone very well and we can stop the energy treatments. I had already informed Laila of the success of the operation and as soon as I have a little time I will tell her in more detail about the progress of the trip.
Thank you very much, Laila’s healing help was fundamental!

Mona Lisa

JOY: Spleen cancer

Dear Laila,
I would like to stop the healings for our 7 year old dog because he is doing really well. Little recap, Joy started not to eat or drink for several days, which is not normal for a 40 kg dog with a strong appetite. During the W E, he remained isolated and looked like he was dying. We made an appointment with the vet who performed a blood test and an abdominal ultrasound, the veterinarian’s diagnosis was: Spleen cancer with initially removal of the spleen then chemotherapy once a week then 3 times a week. Survival being limited to a few months!
We asked for a period of reflection and made a second appointment to possibly give our agreement for the surgery but we were reserved regarding chemotherapy. Knowing Laila for having used her services for our 2 previous dogs, we asked for energy healing.
And there, incredible surprise and indescribable relief, the same veterinarian performed a new blood test and a new ultrasound to inform us that the spleen which was large and granular had become normal! and the biological results had greatly improved.
So no need for treatment or removal of the spleen.
All is well, at the end of these 3 weeks of energy care, the dog is in great shape and runs like crazy. We are infinitely grateful for your invaluable help. Many thanks.
Very warmly,

Patrick and Nelly

DREAM: Pulmonary nodule. Postoperative healings from Laila

Dream has recovered well from his intervention. He began to resume walks gradually. Thanking you.

Emilie Salvador

DREAM: Cancerous lung nodule. Healing from Laila after operation

Dream, an 11-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog, had to undergo a partial lung lobectomy after the discovery of a cancerous nodule. He recovered very quickly from this heavy intervention and has now resumed walks. I think Laila made his recovery easier and helped him recover faster.
A huge thank you for your help, your listening and your kindness,


MACHUKO: Chrone’s disease type. Inflammation of the intestines

He is much better now. So we are thinking of stopping the accompaniment. And it is like miraculous! many thanks to Laila.


FORREST: Carpal fracture and follow up of operation

“Thank you very much, Forrest is doing like a charm. He has regained his mischievous gaze, his former ardor, his delicious mischief that characterize him so well.Astonishingly, he also seems more attentive to situations and adapts his behavior accordingly.
The last few months have been painful enough for him (surgery to remove tumors from his legs, severe stomach problems and most recently a fracture with a sprain that I called you for). But thanks to Laila, he now can get up, trots, plays and doesn’t seem to be in pain anymore. Also … infinite gratitude to Laila, who got him back on his feet in every way. “
Beautiful day to you,
And another thousand and twelve thanks to Laila ….!

Forrest and Chloe

GUS: Heart disease

I had already had a conversation more than 5 years ago with Laila when Gus was very young and we had seen the positive changes following our Skype appointment and her remarks. Even today, her healing work seems really complementary to the treatment.

And our Gus is happy,


LILLY: Tendon elongation posterior leg

Thanks to Laila for everything she did for our Lilly who had an elongation of the tendon and who was limping. Thanks to Laila he got much better. Laila had also healed her in 2016 for 2 strokes and she has been very well thanks to her help.

Thank you very much,

Emilie and Cédric

FRIPOUILLE: Bladder polyps, interdigital abscesses

I think I will stop the treatment for the moment the state of Fripouille is maintained thanks to the healing help of Laila.
Thank you, Celine

GUINNESS: Hepatitis

Guinness is doing much better, she has regained her appetite and her energy, although there are still some ups and downs. The next exams are scheduled for February 09. Depending on the results, I will notify and maybe get back to you. Celine

ENDY: Osteoarthritis and skin problems

Hello, We can stop Endy’s energy healing since he is doing better with both his skin and his osteoarthritis, which dosent seem to be hurting him. Thanks to Laila and the Heavenly Doctors for their precious help.
Warmly, Nath

MEYKO: Prostrate inflammation and kidney problems

Hello, Meyko came home safely from the clinic and his kidneys have recovered. The values returned to normal and continue in this direction. Thank you to Laila for the healing and care provided I am infinitely grateful to you. It was not won for meyko and yet he did it with the help of Laila.
Thank you warmly, Fanny

SKUNKH: Ear othematoma

Hello! We can now stop the healings For my dog Skunkh. His ear is complet. Eu deflated and the tiny lump that remains is hard.
A huge thank you to Laila, Florian

CASSIUS: Acute osteoarthritis

I called on Laila for my 13 year old Staffie Cassius who suffered from acute osteoarthritis to such a point that he could not move without uttering cries of pain and sometimes had paralysis. Laila’s healing took place remotely and I immediately noticed an improvement that continued over time. For good reason, he has not had a fit since, and he is doing like a charm !! Usually he had several seizures in a row and after Laila’s treatment not a single seizure!
A big thank you to Laila for her listening and her healing for my little dog love, Annabelle

VIRGULE: Advanced mitral insufficiency

Virgule weathered the heat wave this summer very well, which was not easy given hier irreversible heart disease. She had her check-up cardiac ultrasound and blood test yesterday, her condition is stable compared to 3 months ago. In 2 months she will be 16 years old, and the vets are very surprised at this longevity.What matters to me is that she has no pain. I think your healing work on Virgule made it easier for her to spend the summer.
Thank you very much! Aline

RAINBOW: Hip dysplasia and lameness

Good evening, Yes I agree the treatments for Rainbow have stopped but it seemed to me that they had already stopped for several weeks… He is much better.
Thank you so much! N